meningococcal vaccination schedule

Last edited 04/2019


Age Primary/booster Dose
Two months Primary* One dose - 4CMenB vaccine
Four months Primary* One dose - 4CMenB vaccine
12-13 months

Primary (Men C) and Booster (Hib)

Booster (4CMenB)

One dose - Hib/MenC conjugate vaccine

One dose - 4CMenB vaccine

Around 14 years Booster One dose - MenACWY conjugate vaccine

* Although the summary of product characteristics for 4CMenB states that three doses should be given in those less than one year of age, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation have advised that the provision of two doses of 4CMenB in infancy at two and four months of age with a booster dose at 12-13 months of age would likely be sufficient to provide substantial protection against MenB IMD in infants and toddlers

Check uptodate details in the The Green Book before prescribing/administering a vaccine.

Check the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) of the influenza vaccination before prescribing/administering a vaccine.


  • Immunisation Against Infectious Disease - "The Green Book".Chapter 22 Meningococcal (April 2019).