hypotonia (floppiness) in a child - NICE guidance - suspected neurological conditions - recognition and referral

Last edited 05/2019

Hypotonia ('floppiness')

Summary points from NICE guidance relating to hypotonia in children are:

For babies aged under 1 year with acute-onset hypotonia (floppiness), examine the baby for signs of cardiac failure, enlargement of the liver or kidneys, pyrexia or an altered level of consciousness, and refer immediately to paediatric services.

For babies aged under 1 year with hypotonia (floppiness) that has been present for weeks or months:

  • if the baby is weak (for example, with feeding and breathing difficulties), refer urgently to paediatric services or
  • if the baby is not weak and has no signs of intercurrent illness, consider referring in consideration of possible cerebral palsy
