antispasmodics in palliative care

Last reviewed 01/2018

Anti-spasmodics for abdominal colic include:

  • Buscopan (= Hyoscine butylbromide, non-sedating) s.c.20mg stat, or sc infusion 60mg up to 120mg in 24 hours. Tablets are poorly absorbed. Preparations: Tablets 10mg, Injection, 20mg/mls

  • Peppermint Oil 1-2 capsules 3 times/day swallowed whole with water 30-60 minutes before meals (1)

  • Mebeverine hydrochloride - preferably 20 minutes before eating (1)

The summary of product characteristics must be checked before prescribing any of the drugs mentioned.


  1. West Midlands Palliative Care Physicians (2003). Palliative care - guidelines for the use of drugs in symptom control.
  2. West Midlands Palliative Care Physicians (2007). Palliative care - guidelines for the use of drugs in symptom control.