Last reviewed 01/2018
Seek expert advice.
Worms take six to ten weeks to start egg production and so screening tests for schistosomiasis should be delayed until about 12 weeks after last exposure (1).
- microscopic demonstration of eggs in urine - ova are detected on microscopy of clinical specimens in about 45% of cases (1)
- serological testing (ELISA for egg antigens) - this is positive in about 85% of UK cases (1)
- cystoscopy - reveals characteristic "sandy patches"
- abdominal X-ray - bladder calcification
- intravenous urogram - may demonstrate hydro-ureter, hydronephrosis or filling defects in the bladder
- about 45% of cases will have a peripheral blood eosinophilia (1)
- Pulse (2004); 64 (31); 44.