Last edited 02/2022
Methods of abortion can be either surgical or medical (1,2).
- vacuum aspiration
- <7 weeks
- should follow strict protocol such as examination of the aspirate for the presence of the gestational sac and follow-up serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) estimation if needed
- 7-14 weeks
- using electric or manual vacuum aspiration
- uterus is emptied using a suction cannula
- sharp curettage is not recommended
- 14-16 weeks
- may require large-bore suction cannula and tubing
- forceps may be needed to remove larger fetal parts
- dilatation and evacuation (D&E)
- appropriate for pregnancies above 14 weeks of gestation
- D&E is preceded by cervical preparation
- cervical preparation for surgical abortion
- should be considered in all cases
- combination of progesterone antagonist RU-486 (now known as mifepristone) followed by misoprostol is the most efficacious, well tolerated, and cost effective regimen in the first and second trimesters
- single-agent regimens have no role in abortion practice in Great Britain
- recommended regimens are as follows :
- at ≤49 days of gestation
- 200 mg oral mifepristone followed 24–48 hours later by 400 micro grams of oral misoprostol
- at ≤63 days of gestation
- mifepristone 200 mg orally followed 24–48 hours later by misoprostol 800 micrograms (vaginal, buccal or sublingual)
- for women at 50–63 days of gestation, if abortion has not occurred 4 hours after administration of misoprostol, a second dose of misoprostol 400 micrograms may be administered vaginally or orally (depending on preference and amount of bleeding)
- between 9 and 13 weeks of gestation
- mifepristone 200 mg orally followed 36–48 hours later by misoprostol 800 micrograms vaginally
- maximum of four further doses of misoprostol 400 micrograms may be administered at 3-hourly intervals, vaginally or orally
- between 13 and 24 weeks of gestation
- mifepristone 200 mg orally, followed 36–48 hours later by misoprostol 800 micrograms vaginally, then misoprostol 400 micrograms orally or vaginally, 3-hourly, to a maximum of four further doses
- if abortion does not occur, mifepristone can be repeated 3 hours after the last dose of misoprostol and 12 hours later misoprostol may be recommenced
- it is safe and acceptable for women who wish to leave the abortion unit following misoprostol administration to complete the abortion at home
- adequate support strategy and robust follow-up arrangements for these women
- surgical evacuation of the uterus is not required routinely following medical abortion between 13 and 24 weeks of gestation
- should only be undertaken if there is clinical evidence that the abortion is incomplete (not on ultrasound appearances)
Pain relief during abortion:
- surgical methods
- general anaesthesia and local cervical anaesthesia, with or without oral or intravenous analgesics and sedatives can be used during vacuum aspiration
- for second trimester procedures, general anaesthesia is the preferred pain management option
- medical methods
- ibuprofen has been shown to be is more effective than paracetamol in management of pain in early medical abortion
- some women may require additional narcotic analgesia, particularly after 13 weeks of gestation.
- where possible, women should be given the abortion method of their choice
- hysterectomy has previously been performed to undertake termination of pregnancy at 5-16 weeks, however, it is rarely indicated as a method of termination of pregnancy today
suction termination of pregnancy
prostaglandin termination of pregnancy
methotrexate in therapeutic abortion
COVID-19 (coronavirus) and temporary changes to abortion guidance