plain radiology of the abdomen
Last reviewed 01/2018
The plain abdominal radiograph should be reviewed systematically:
- name and date on the radiograph should be checked
- stomach gas on the left side of the abdomen
- boundaries:
- diaphragm
- psoas muscles
- extraperitoneal
- fat
- hernial orifices
- bones:
- costal cartilages and lower ribs
- lumbar spine
- pelvis
- hollow visceral gas: stomach, small and large bowel
- solid organs: check size of liver, spleen and kidneys
- vascular: check for aortic calcification
- abnormalities: renal (90% radio-opaque) or biliary calculi (10% radio-opaque), dilated bowel, air in the biliary tree
- an erect chest X-ray may reveal peritoneal free gas as air under the diaphragm
air under the diaphragm on the erect chest radiograph