perioperative cardiac complications

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • perioperative infarction - approximately 5%

  • low output state - generally seen in patients with poor pre-operative left ventricular function, or those brought to theatre with evolving infarction. Treatment is supportive (eg balloon counterpulsation, afterload reduction, ionotropes)

  • arrhythmias
    • 20-30% of patients will have atrial fibrillation or another supraventricular tachycardia at day 2-5 post CABG (1)
    • heart block - in 5-10% of patients immediately post surgery. This is a manifestation of an acute ischaemic event. If it persists then pacing may be indicated

A study conducted in the USA reported that cardiac complications, acute renal failure, and shock or hemorrhage were the most common, in 6.88%, 4.56%, and 3.41% of cases(2)


  • Treasure T et al .Coronary artery surgery. Medicine International 1993; 21(10): 397-400.
  • Mack MJ, Brown PP, Kugelmass AD, Battaglia SL, Tarkington LG, Simon AW, et al. Current status and outcomes of coronary revascularization 1999 to 2002: 148,396 surgical and percutaneous procedures. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004; 77: 761-8