bleomycin injection for warts

Last reviewed 01/2018

Bleomycin has both an antiviral and antineoplastic action.

Intralesional bleomycin is a management option only employed by a specialist.

This treatment option should be considered as a third-line treatment for warts on hands and feet.

  • two trials have shown a wart induced clearance of up to 92% for one to four injections
  • the injection is very painful - will only be tolerated when given under a local anaesthetic
  • if bleomycin is injected intradermally into the fingers then there is a risk of persistent Raynaud's phenomenon, permanent nail dystrophy and nail loss (2)


  1. Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 1998; 36 (3): 22-24
  2. Prescriber 2004; 5(24):36-44.