additional investigations
Last reviewed 01/2018
Specific blood tests and microbiology may be required for certain indications and these are listed below:
- travel to malarial country - repeated blood films
- IV drug use or at risk - hepatitis serology (A-E), for HIV or Hepatitis HIV testing
- thyrotoxicosis - T4, T3, TSH
- suspected connective tissue disorder - ANF, anti-DNA antibody, CRP
- specific agent suspected - serial titres for EBV, CMV, influenza, Toxoplasma, Lyme disease, chlamydia, salmonella, Borrelia recurrentis, Q fever, leptospirosis
Other procedures however that may also be considered are:
- abdominal ultrasound:
- intra-hepatic, subphrenic or paracolic abscesses
- white cell labelling:
- this may show a localised abcess, empyema or osteomyelitis
- bone scan:
- this again may identify osteomyelitis or metastatic bone disease
- CT and MRI:
- lymphoma or covert tumours
- echocardiography:
- infective endocarditis
- bone marrow:
- leukaemia or culture for miliary TB
- biopsy:
- either endoscopically or percutaneously of suspected area
- repeat history, examination and certain investigations:
- if origin of fever remains unknown