nasal osteoma
Last reviewed 01/2018
Fibromas are rare. They appear as soft, pedunculated lesions.
Treatment is by local excision.
Ossifying fibromas usually arise in the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses. They may manifest as a firm swelling of the cheek or as unilateral nasal obstruction. Patients may be any age but are most frequently in their second or third decade.
Treatment is surgical. Radical antrostomy for maxillary sinus lesions; external ethmoidectomy for ethmoidal lesions.
Osteoma are often seen as incidental findings on plain x-ray. Seventy-five percent occur in the frontal sinuses; 25% in the ethmoids; and 5% in the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses. They are more common in young adults.
These tumours are very slow growing. Symptoms usually develop only when the fronto-nasal duct becomes obstructed.
Asymptomatic lesions usually require no intervention. Those causing symptoms may be excised.