examination of the patient with dizziness
Last reviewed 01/2018
- examination of the 'dizzy' patient is directed by the history. Components include:
- neurological examination
- head and neck examination
- examination of the cardiovascular system
- neurological examination
- cranial nerves should be examined for
- signs of palsies and sensorineural hearing loss
- this includes particularly
- funduscopy for papilloedema or optic atrophy (II)
- eye movements (III, IV, and VI)
- corneal reflex (V)
- facial movement (VII)
- tuning folk tests for hearing loss(VIII)
- special attention is paid to those that pass through the cerebellopontine angle - the fifth to the seventh.
- this includes particularly
- nystagmus
- common in acute virtigo
- vertical nystagmus
- is commonly seen in vestibular nuclear or cerebellar vermis lesions
- horizontal nystagmus
- is present in acute vestibular neuronitis
- vertical nystagmus
- common in acute virtigo
- signs of palsies and sensorineural hearing loss
- cerebellar function is tested via the finger-nose test
- Romberg's sign
- not very useful in the diagnosis of vertigo
- Dix-Hallpike maneuver
- the most helpful test to perform for vertigo
- Unterberger's stepping test
- cranial nerves should be examined for
- head and neck examination
- Hennebert's sign
- pushing on the tragus and external auditory meatus of the affected side causes vertigo or nystagmus
- indicates the presence of a perilymphatic fistula
- peripheral auditory system
- pneumatic otoscopy
- examine tympanic membranes
- vesicles (Ramsay Hunt syndrome)
- cholesteatoma
- examine tympanic membranes
- tuning fork tests (also mentioned above)
- pneumatic otoscopy
- assess neck movements - an arthritic cervical spine may be the source of abnormal proprioceptive signals
- auscultation of the neck for bruits
- Hennebert's sign
- cardiovascular examination
- the following orthostatic changes
systolic in blood pressure
and pulse
when the patientg is made to stand
suggests autonomic dysfunction
- systolic blood pressure-drop of 20 mm Hg or more
- pulse - rise of 10 beats per minute
- arrhythmias
- check for postural hypotension
- the following orthostatic changes
systolic in blood pressure
and pulse
when the patientg is made to stand
suggests autonomic dysfunction