timing of when to take cervical smear

Last reviewed 11/2020

The optimum time period to take a cervical smear is on days 10-20 of a 28 day cycle. At this time there are few polymorphs and mature endocervical cells. From day 21 of the cycle there is an increase in number of polymorphs. If the woman is menstruating then this can also obscure the endocervical cells. In high risk subjects it may be necessary to take a smear whatever period of their menstrual cycle because of risk of non-attendence for another appointment.

Sample taking should not be done during the following circumstances (unless there is a risk of non-attendance for another appointment)

  • during menstruation
  • in pregnant women – if she has attended routine cervical screening
  • a woman who is less than 12 weeks post-natally
  • in case of discharge/infection – infection should be treated and the sample should be taken on another occasion (1)
