what were the patient's intentions?
Last reviewed 01/2018
Was the DSH impulsive or PLANNED? An increased risk of fatal repetition is correlated with the greater length and detail involved in planning of the DSH.
Had the patient taken PRECAUTIONS against being found? An increased risk of fatal repetition is associated with increasing thoroughness of precautions.
Was the DSH a cry for HELP?
How DANGEROUS was the method of DSH? The more violent the method used, for example, jumping from the top of a building, the greater risk of fatal repetition. If drugs were taken, then what were they and how much was taken? Had all the drugs that were available to the patient been taken? The assessor should ascertain the perceived risk of the patient with respect to the method used. Patients may have inaccurate assumptions of the risk associated with various drugs. For example, a patient may believe that paracetamol overdose is harmless which in fact, is not the case.
Did the patient make PREPARATIONS FOR AFTER HIS DEATH? For example, did the patient recently make a will, did he leave a suicide note explaining his actions. These preparations are associated with an increased risk of fatal repetition.