protecting and improving the airway
Last reviewed 01/2018
Protection of the airway can involve:
- insertion of an airway if
appropriate. Choice airway depends on the level of consciousness of the patient:
- patient with signs of airway obstruction but relatively conscious, try a nasopharangeal airway
- patient with signs of airway obstruction and impaired level of consciousness, try an oropharangeal airway
- unconscious and unable to protect their airway, needs a definitive airway ie. intubation and insertion of endotracheal tube
- for improving and protecting the airway:
- if the airway is poor, for example if laryngeal swelling has occurred, i.e. due to smoke inhalation, then the decision to intubate may be made
- intubation may similarly be performed early if laryngeal oedema appears likely to develop
- attempts at intubation should be made for as long as the clinician can hold his or her own breath
- people need to be less conscious to tolerate an oropharangeal airway; but if cannot tolerate an oropharangeal airway, may tolerate a nasopharangeal airway