intra-thoracic infiltration

Last reviewed 01/2018

Intra-thoracic invasion by tumours results in symptoms and signs according to the location of the tumour:


  • Horner's syndrome due to sympathetic ganglion invasion by a Pancoast's tumour
  • rib destruction
  • arm pain and weakness due to brachial plexus invasion

Left hilum:

  • hoarseness due to recurrent laryngeal nerve invasion


  • cardiac tamponade or pericardial invasion
  • arrhythmias
  • dysphagia due to oesophageal invasion
  • diaphragmatic palsy due to phrenic nerve invasion
  • central chest pain due to chest wall invasion

Chest wall invasion:

  • pleural effusion
  • pleuritic chest

Right paratracheal:

  • superior vena cava obstruction due to SVC compression or invasion