
Last reviewed 05/2023

The aeitiology of avascular necrosis includes:

  • trauma:
    • fracture of the neck of femur
    • complication of osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis
    • neuropathic joint

  • idiopathic:
    • typically middle aged men
    • affects hips and knees

  • Perthe's disease

  • Theimann's disease

  • high levels of steroids:
    • iatrogenic
    • Cushing's syndrome
    • pregnancy

  • systemic disease:
    • SLE
    • haemaglobin S and SC
    • infective endocarditis
    • chronic liver disease
    • pancreatitis
    • alcoholism
    • hyperlipidaemia
    • Caisson disease
    • Gaucher's disease
    • diabetes mellitus
    • polycythaemia rubra vera
    • radiation