swellings and localised deformities of the eyes and eyelids
Last reviewed 01/2018
Localised swellings around the eyes include:
- styes
- sebaceous cysts
- meibomian cyst
- sudorific cyst
- dermoid cyst
- papilloma
- rodent ulcer
- xanthelasma
- pinguecula
- pterygium
- lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac
Distortions and displacements of the lids include:
- entropion
- ectropion
- ptosis
- epicanthic folds
Generalised swelling of the eyelids include:
- proptosis
- orbital cellulitis
- carotico-cavernous fistula
- dysthyroid exophthalmos
localised swellings around the eyes