antimicrobial resistance

Last reviewed 01/2018

There is an increasing problem of antimicrobial resistance in the community. A letter from the Chief Medical Officer (7/9/98) identified four areas which could make a significant impact on the volume of antimicrobials prescribed:

  • antibiotics should not be prescribed for simple coughs and colds

  • antibiotics should not be prescribed for viral sore throats

  • in cases of uncomplicated cystitis in otherwise fit young women, antibiotics should only be prescribed for three days

  • the prescribing over the telephone of antibiotics should be limited to exceptional cases

Further guidance concerning antibiotic prescribing for self-limiting respiratory tract infections in adults and children in primary care has been given (2).



  • PL/CMO/98/6 (PL/CNO/98/7 PL/CDO/98/4 PL/CPHO/98/1)
  • NICE (June 2008).Respiratory tract infections - antibiotic prescribing for self-limiting respiratory tract infections in adults and children in primary care.