healthy family characteristics

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • Communication - clear, open, direct(verbal & non-verbal), feelings and emotions freely expressed, anger seen as a need for change, each hears and responds to others
  • Autonomy - family consists of separate individuals, each takes responsibilty for personal actions and behaviour
  • Acceptance - respect for the unique experience of others
  • Structure - clear, flexible roles, the family script, consistent rules help resolve conflict
  • Leadership - power shared appropriately by parents, fair without domination, humiliation or scapegoating, noone told what to think or feel, even the youngest is considered able to contribute
  • Partnership - strong bonding and coalition of parents
  • Flexibility - give and take, adapt to individual needs & changing circumstances, change not seen as threatening
  • Appreciation - encouragement & praise create self-esteem, loving acceptance without judgmental attitudes
  • Support networks - inside and outside the family, provide strength & stability for coping with problems & stresses
  • Family time - attention is paid to doing things together
  • Growth - warm, nurturing, fulfilling atmosphere
  • Need for intimacy - tenderness not seen as weakness, sexual interest considered a generally positive force
  • Religion, philosophy and reality - positive values and beliefs, world-view is realistic but extends beyond the present

ref: No Single Thread: Psychological Health in Family Systems, JM Lewis et al, 1976, Brunner/Mazel, New York (Study by the Timberlawn Foundation, Dallas, Texas)