TNM system for urothelial cancer
Last reviewed 01/2018
The TNM system for classifying urothelial cancer is organised as shown below:
- Tis: carcinoma in situ
- T1: no palpable tumour:
- pTa: tumour confined to epithelium
- pT1: invasion of subepithelial connective tissue
- T2: no mass or thickening palpable:
- pT2: invasion of superficial bladder muscle
- T3: palpable hard, mobile mass:
- pT3a: invasion of deep muscle (outer half)
- pT3b: invasion beyond bladder wall:
- pT3bI: microscopically
- pT3bII: macroscopically
- T4: palpable hard, fixed mass:
- pT4a: invasion of prostate, uterus, vagina
- pT4b: invasion of pelvic wall, abdominal wall
- No - no nodal involvement
- N1 - single ipsilateral regional node
- N2 - contralateral or multiple regional nodes
- N3 - fixed regional nodes
- N4 - extra-regional nodes
- Nx - nodal status not known
- M0 - no metastases evident
- M1 - metastases present
- Mx - metastatic status not known