Last reviewed 01/2018
Central nervous system stimulants have very few indications, and should not be used to treat depression, obesity, senility, debility, or relief of fatigue.
Caffeine is a weak stimulant present in tea and coffee and is included in many analgesic preparations but does not contribute to their analgesic or anti-inflammatory effect. Over-indulgence in caffeine may lead to a state of anxiety.
Amphetamines have a limited field of usefulness and their use should be discouraged as they may cause dependence and psychotic states.
Amphetamines may have a role in the treatment of hyperactive children. They may be used with extreme caution, and after consultation with expert psychiatric advice, because they may cause retardation of growth and the effects of long-term therapy has not been evaluated.
They may also have a role in the treatment of narcolepsy.