
Last reviewed 01/2018

  • is rarely inherited in an X-linked manner

  • primary sideroblastic anaemia:
    • occurs in older adults
    • characterised by progressive anaemia and hepatosplenomegaly
    • neutropaenia and thrombocytopaenia may develop
    • leucocyte alkaline phosphatase activity is generally low

  • blood film:
    • dimorphic picture with normal and hypochromic cells
    • in congenital cases there may be microcytosis
    • in acquired cases there may be macrocytosis
    • blasts will be present in cases of acute myeloid leukaemia
    • in lead poisoning there will be punctate basophilia in the red cels

  • bone marrow:
    • ring sideroblasts in the bone marrow
    • erythroid hyperplasia

  • iron studies:
    • raised serum ferritin
    • lowered TIBC