steroids in preeclampsia for fetal lung maturation

Last edited 08/2019

NICE suggest that If birth is considered likely within 7 days in women with pre-eclampsia:

  • if early birth is considered likely within 7 days in women with pre-eclampsia offer a course of antenatal corticosteroids in line with the NICE guideline on preterm labour and birth
    • for women between 23+0 and 23+6 weeks of pregnancy who are in suspected or established preterm labour, are having a planned preterm birth or have preterm prelabour rupture of membranes P-PROM, discuss with the woman (and her family members or carers as appropriate) the use of maternal corticosteroids in the context of her individual circumstances

    • offer maternal corticosteroids to women between 24+0 and 33+6 weeks of pregnancy who are in suspected, diagnosed or established preterm labour, are having a planned preterm birth or have P-PROM

    • consider maternal corticosteroids for women between 34+0 and 35+6 weeks of pregnancy who are in suspected, diagnosed or established preterm labour, are having a planned preterm birth or have P-PROM
