NICE guidance - Pharmalgen for the treatment of bee and wasp venom allergy

Last reviewed 01/2018

Pharmalgen is recommended as an option for the treatment of IgE-mediated bee and wasp venom allergy in people who have had:

  • a severe systemic reaction to bee or wasp venom, or a moderate systemic reaction to bee or wasp venom and who have one or more of the following:
    • a raised baseline serum tryptase,
    • a high risk of future stings or anxiety about future stings.

Treatment with Pharmalgen should be initiated and monitored in a specialist centre experienced in venom immunotherapy


  • pharmalgen bee venom extract has a marketing authorisation for the treatment of IgE-mediated allergy to bee venom
  • pharmalgen wasp venom extract has a marketing authorisation for the treatment of IgEmediated allergy to wasp venom
  • treatment with Pharmalgen is in two phases: an initial phase and a maintenance phase
    • before people receive Pharmalgen treatment, IgEmediated allergy to bee or wasp venom must be confirmed by case history and by in vivo and/or in vitro diagnosis. Pharmalgen is given by subcutaneous injection
    • during the initial phase, an increasing dose of Pharmalgen is given until the maximum tolerated dose is reached
    • during the maintenance phase, Pharmalgen is administered at a dose of 100 micrograms every 4-6 weeks for at least 3 years
      • dosage may be adjusted depending on the person's history of allergic reactions and sensitivity to the specific allergen used
