ankle , foot ultrasound (musculoskeletal imaging in primary care)

Last reviewed 01/2018

Ankle, foot ultrasound

  • in the foot and around the ankle, ultrasound can detect a ganglion cyst, Morton's neuroma, plantar fasciitis, Achilles and tibialis posterior tendinopathy and the hypervascular synovitis and early erosions of rheumatoid disease or subarticular marginal erosions and tophi of gout


Ultrasound applications

  • Articular pain, swelling or mechanical symptoms without definitive diagnosis
  • Shoulder pain or mechanical symptoms
  • Symptoms near a joint
  • Regional neuropathic pain to diagnose neural entrapment
  • Guiding articular/periarticular aspiration or injection
  • Diagnosis and treatment assessment of synovitis

Ultrasound advantages

  • Cheaper, more accessible and better tolerated than MRI
  • Preferred modality for tendinopathy and muscle trauma
  • As accurate as MRI in diagnosis of rotator cuff tears
  • Dynamic examination and intervention possible


  • 1) Arthritis Research UK (Summer 2013). Hands on - Musculoskeletal imaging for GPs.