Oxford Sleep Resistance (OSLER) test
Last reviewed 01/2018
The OSLER test represents a simple alternative to the maintenance of wakefulness test
Test procedure
- Oxford Sleep Resistance Test (OSLER test) consists of 40 minute sleep-resistance
challenges conducted in a dark room isolated from external noise
- subject is lying in a semirecumbent position, and is asked to remain
awake without using specific strategies
- the test is designed to assess ability to maintain wakefulness
- by hitting a button placed on a box directly connected to a personal computer, the subject is instructed to respond to a visual stimulus (light-emitting diode flash) which appeared for 1 second every 3 seconds
- a total of 800 stimulations per test is emitted
- tests may be recorded to verify that the subjects were following instructions
- the OSLER test drill is repeated at two hourly intervals. There is evidence that three repeats are effective in assessing sleep resistance as four repeats
- subject is lying in a semirecumbent position, and is asked to remain
awake without using specific strategies