clinical assessment of chronic diarrhoea
Last reviewed 01/2018
A detailed history together with a thoughtful physical examination will help to direct the diagnostic work-up and limit the number (and cost) of tests needed and increase the efficiency of the evaluation (1).
History should be able to
- establish the likelihood that the symptoms are organic (as opposed to functional)
- presence of the following symptoms suggest an organic disease
- history of diarrhoea of less than three months' duration,
- predominantly nocturnal or continuous diarrhoea (as opposed to intermittent diarrhoea)
- significant weight loss
- distinguish malabsorptive from colonic/inflammatory forms of diarrhoea
- steatorrhoea and the passage of bulky malodorous pale stools is associated with malabsorption
- colonic/inflammatory forms of diarrhoea typically presents with liquid
loose stools with blood or mucous discharge
- assess for specific causes of diarrhoea which increase the likelihood of organic diarrhoea or point to potential lines of investigation
- family history of neoplastic, inflammatory bowel, or coeliac disease.
- previous surgery leading to malabsorption
- previous pancreatic diseases
- systemic illness - thyrotoxicosis and parathyroid disease, diabetes mellitus etc
- alcohol
- drugs
- recent overseas travel
- recent antibiotic therapy and Clostridium difficile infection
- change in diet - excessive fibre and misuse of laxatives will increase the frequency of stools.
- lactase deficiency (1,2)
Physical examination may reveal underlying cause for diarrhoea:
- recent weight loss or lymphadenopathy - chronic infection or malignancy.
- episcleritis - inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- exophthalmia - hyperthyroidism
- Dermatitis herpetiformis - seen in 15-25% of patients with celiac disease
- abdominal examination
- scars - surgical cause of diarrhoea
- bowel sounds - hypermotility
- tenderness - infection and inflammation
- masses - neoplasia
- rectal examination - to exclude any induration or local tenderness that might suggest crohns or an anal fissure (1,2).