GOLD recommendations on managing stable COPD

Last edited 02/2021 and last reviewed 07/2021

GOLD recommendations on managing stable COPD

Non-pharmacological treatment

  • is complementary to pharmacological treatment and should form part of the comprehensive management of COPD

After receiving a diagnosis of COPD a patient should be given further information about the condition. Physicians should emphasize the importance of a smoke free environment, prescribe vaccinations, empower adherence to prescribed medication, ensure proper inhaler technique, promote physical activity and refer patients (GOLD B-GOLD D) to pulmonary rehabilitation

Non-pharmacological management of COPD*

Patient Group Essential Recommended Depending on local guidelines
A Smoking cessation (can include pharmacological treatment) Physical activity

Flu vaccination

Pneumococcal vaccination

Pertussis vaccination

B, C and D

Smoking cessation (can include pharmacological treatment)

Pulmonary rehabilitation

Physical activity

Flu vaccination

Pneumococcal vaccination

Pertussis vaccination

* Can include pharmacological treatment





Figures reproduced with permission from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD). Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2020 Report.
