attention , memory and concentration problems in children under 16 - NICE guidance - suspected neurological conditions - recognition and referral

Last edited 05/2019

Attention, concentration and memory problems

Summary points from NICE guidance relating to attention, concentration and memory problems in children are:

Attention, concentration and memory problems related to epilepsy

  • refer urgently children who present with discrete episodes of loss of awareness (mid-activity vacant spells) or of attention and concentration difficulty, because possible presentation of epilepsy

  • be aware that medicines commonly used to treat epilepsy in children can adversely affect concentration and memory

Concentration or memory difficulties that interfere with learning or behaviour

  • refer children with concentration or memory difficulties that interfere with learning, school progress or behaviour to community paediatric or paediatric neurodevelopmental services for assessment

  • be aware that some children with attention and concentration difficulties do not have hyperactivity
