cautions regarding use of progestogen-only intra-uterine system (IUS)
Last edited 03/2021 and last reviewed 03/2021
Cautions including any relevant action to be taken
- If the individual is less than 16 years of age an assessment based on Fraser guidelines must be made and documented.
- If the individual is less than 13 years of age the healthcare professional should speak to local safeguarding lead and follow the local safeguarding policy.
- Individuals taking anticoagulants or antiplatelets - refer to specific FSRH guidance.
- Individuals with cardiac arrhythmias (other than long QT) discuss with relevant clinician.
- Patient Group Direction (PGD) (NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service). Insertion of the Progestogen-Only Intra-Uterine System (IUS). (Accessed 17th March 2021).