gross motor skills

Last reviewed 07/2023

A list of gross motor skills according to age achieved are listed. More detailed information relating to specific ages is detailed in the menu items.

These are approximate times for the onset of some general motor skills:


  • head lag evident - when pulled to 0 - 6 weeks sitting
  • rolls over 8 - 18 weeks
  • holds head up (momentarily) when in 4 - 6 weeks sitting position
  • sits alone 18 - 30 weeks
  • pulls self up to stand 6 - 10 months
  • walks holding furniture 7 - 13 months
  • walks alone 11 - 14 months
  • jumps with both feet together 12 - 20 months
  • kicks ball 14 - 24 months
  • pedals tricycle 18 - 38 months
  • hops, skips 34 - 60 months
  • skip on both feet 72 months